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Intensive Personality Training

Kerstin Bollinger
Seminar duration
3 Tage - Auf Anfrage
Max. 12 Personen
€ 2.450,- zzgl. MwSt.

Personality Intense

Personality is never something finished, it develops and changes constantly. The positive development is often hindered by “blindness to“ one's own person&”, “, “. The personality training can “offer “ first aid” to you for professional and private phases of life.

Your benefit

In personality training the participants learn more about their own behaviour style. The exciting and valuable exchange about the personal profile leads to more self-knowledge and at the same time to more understanding of other behavioural styles. This knowledge is the basis for respect and appreciation, one of the most important foundations for good professional and private relationships. The consequence: communication flows better, cooperation functions more smoothly…


What determines human action? 

  • Dishes, needs, shoots 
  • The background of one's own actions and the behaviour of other people 

Courage to one's own personality

  • A journey of self-knowledge: Who am I, who do I want to be?
  • Fundamental properties, self-confidence, creativity
  • The inner attitude towards oneself and one's fellow man 
  • A attitude towards work and success 

The image of the other 

  • perceive yourself and others more attentively and consciously 
  • Principles of perception 
  • knowledge of human nature 
  • Stereotypes and prejudices 

Dismantle strengths, overcome weaknesses  

  • Resilience – For the benefit of inner strength
  • Training ways to self-confidence, to self-confidence, to self-assertion 
  • Handling the inner brakeman – breaking down inner blockades
  • Paths to personal development - formulating and achieving objectives


Thanks to the personality-oriented character, the seminar is intensive and demands your commitment. After the seminar you are no other person. After that the work is not over. But you know more exactly where to start and where to continue in order to really achieve your goals in life.

Target group

members of management, junior managers and employees who want to use their strengths more effectively

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