dp Akademie
Portrait of the academy of systemic leadership
The academy of systemic leadership | dp-academy is an institue for development of executives, who want to lead efficent in a increasingly komplex and fast world.
The academy of systemic leadership has a holisitc, systemic approach to different business environments. Besides method-, knowlege- and leadershipskills there is payed attention to personality development and individual communication. All Trainers - among them the well-respected experts Alexander Höhn, Andreas Patrzek and Daniel F. Pinnow - have longterm experience in leadership. Based on their knowledge practical and individuel solutions can be found and be implemented in business.
The dp-academy not only teaches its approach, but practices itself. Instead of putting participants into rigid patterns, the dp-academy responses individually to the customer´s needs. Decentralized trainings and inhouse seminars are as well part of the dp-academy´s offer as coachings and consutings for leadership and management skills.
Portrait of Daniel F. Pinnow|

Daniel F. Pinnow, is a Pioneer of Systemic Leadership in the German speaking countries and a wellknown Leadership Expert and bestselling Author. He is the Founder & Managing Partner of the Academy of systemic Leadership an was, therefore, more than 15 years the Managing Partner & CEO of the "Akademie für Führungskräfte der Wirtschaft GmbH" in Überlingen and Bad Harzburg, Germany - one of the most famous experts in leadership and management science in German speaking countries.
The experienced management trainer and leadership coach has been on the board of directors of the Cognos AG, one of Germany’s biggest private providers for further education and gained deep leadership experience as top manager within international companies such as Airbus Group and E.ON Ruhrgas AG.
Pinnow earned a master’s degree in economic sciences from the University of Cologne and a master’s degree in social sciences from the University of Wuppertal. Throughout his studies he focused on psychology and organizational sciences. He was lecturer of Leadership at Technical University Munich (TUM) one of the "Excellence Univeritys" in Germany and lecturer of Leadership & Organisation at Hochschule Fresenius in Munich. Since 2007 he became a Associate Professor of Leadership at Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, China.
In addition to his bestseller ‚Leadership – What really matters‘ (Führen – Worauf es wirklich ankommt, 6th edition in 2012), which was also published in China as one of the first german management books, Daniel Pinnow has published numerous papers and books on human resource management, systemic leadership and ethics