Innovative Leadership Approach Senior-Trainers Pionieers of Systemic Leadership Tel. 0751-27088383 | E-Mail:
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Alexander Höhn

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Training Emphasis

  • Strategic process management and coaching: In upper management of business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Process control in teams: Organisations and different management hierarchies
  • Change management: Support for merger processes and generation change
  • Training: intensive management, group dynamics, conflict management, analysis of life scripts and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
  • Coaching: individual coaching and executive coaching, resource-based intervention (dealing with resistance and anxiety)

Professional Experience

  • Since 2008 Founder & Managing Partner of Esther Moser + Alexander Höhn GmbH
  • 2004 - 2007 Managing Partner of Höhn Hölzl Führungstraining & Beratung
  • 2002 - 2003 Managing Director Akademie Inhouse
  • 1998 - 2004 Manager, Head-Coach and senior consultant at Akademie Inhouse, Akademie für Führungskräfte der Wirtschaft GmbH
  • 1995 - 1998 Freelance consultant for personnel and organisational development inter alia for Team Dr. Rosenkranz
  • 1992 -1995 Lectureship for systemic consulting strategies at Fachhochschule München

Trainer Qualifications

  • Coaching education at Akademie für Personal- und Unternehmensentwicklung (APU)
  • Special training to a systematically orientated couples and family therapist at Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung (I.F.W.)
  • Various further training to raise coaching skills  - certification: Senior coach, Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching

Studies Professional Training

  • Studies of social education at FH München with emphasis on systemic consulting strategies, Diploma, 1991


  • "Letzte Ausfahrt Führung ? – Entwicklung und Wertschätzung als neues Paradigma", Springer Gabler Verlag, 2. Aufl. 11/2016
  • „Erfolgreiche Führung im 3. Jahrtausend - Führen - Handeln – Verantworten“, Springer Gabler Verlag, 08/2013
  • "Vorsicht Entwicklung?",  Rosenberger Verlag, 11/2003